Sunday, February 22, 2015

Paper Reflection 1

Writing this paper was possibly one of the most stressful experiences I have had this semester. I have always enjoyed writing and consider myself fairly good at it, so the pressure to write a "good" paper was high. There was also the added personal expectation that I placed upon myself because my dad is an author. All of those factors combined with my being a perfectionist made this paper difficult to write.
As far as process is concerned, I lack one. The only thing that I require to sit down and write is a block of time without distractions and a basic idea. I write the way I think, in a conversational tone. My fingers form the words that come into my head and little thought is given beyond that. This has served me very well in the past but due to our use of the templates in the book and text sources had to make routine stops in my work to add them in, interrupting the  rhythm that inevitably develops when I write.
The requirements hindered my progress, as well as my own trepidation in writing a college-worthy piece. I really am a perfectionist and have very high expectations for myself and my work. (I am still nervous about the piece and the grade it will receive)
What helped me finish this paper was the wonderful feedback I got in the writing center (apparently a thesis is supposed to be only one sentence) and a lot of The Black Keys music. My organization in the paper improved a great deal and I was able to formulate and stronger argument with clearer points. I received help with the parts of academic writing I most often struggle with and thus created a better product. (I can now say confidently that I can organize a paper as well as I can organize a dorm room. Which is saying a lot because I love organizing.) While I was hesitant to seek help from the writing center at first, because I did not want it to look like I "needed" the help, I am grateful that I did end up going. I highly recommend going to the writing center for future papers and will be frequenting their services often!


  1. I don't know if my last comment actually went through because I'm not great with this whole internet thing but I'll try again. You don't have to live up to anyone else's talents because you poses your own. It's okay to make mistakes now because the ones we make now help build our individual writing styles. This class is to help you learn how to get to that level, you don't have to be an author with the first assignment, just do your best and only have enough stress to remember when it's due and to do your best work. As a side note, you gave good taste in music. :)

  2. Hi Lauren,
    As you can probably guess, I love getting feedback about the writing center! Thanks for the mention.
    I notice that you don't have a process and write like you think. You remind me of a young me, to be honest. I was rewarded for this lack of process until I hit college. My first college English professor was a New York Times book reviewer who was best friends with Gloria Steinem! She did NOT appreciate my lack of process at all. She was absolutely terrifying; her comments left me in anguish. However, I often cite her as the person who made me a writer. I will try not to cause any pain to your spirit, but there is so much to learn!

