Hello, my name is Lauren Anastasia Grigoletti and this is my personal introduction to blogging. I feel like i should warm whoever is reading this that I am unsure of what "blogging" really is, and surprised that I have typed the word twice and spell-check has not yelled at me with little red lines yet. Will the world forever try to change me using little red lines? Thoughts?
(Musical Update: It is currently 4:46 in the afternoon and I am listening to my favorite band: Carney, song: I Hate Hollywood)
Some things you should know about me before we go any further....I am a lover of anything artistic, creative, "other", geeky, abnormal, weird, counter-culture (whatever that is) and/or dealing with the Victorian Era. The art curator Hans Ulric Obrist is my "hero", he can do no wrong and is the personification of pure genius. No one will ever convince me otherwise. Tea is the easiest and quickest way to my heart. I was raised on a combination of my grandmother's Brazilian cooking, Star Trek, the writings of H.P. Lovecraft and enough music to span more than 1/2 a decade. I have traveled, but it will never be enough. The Victorian Era was the epitome of human culture, and there are days when I wish I was born in the 1800's. My preferred form of escapism is Steampunk. For those who don't know what that is, read this article. It tells "the truth"
I am studying to become an Art Auctioneer, I want to sell beautiful things to slightly less beautiful people. I am incredibly realistic and live in a perpetual illusion of grandeur at the same time. That sentence made complete sense to me. I do not believe in settling for anything less than absolute perfection. I hold myself to the highest standard possible. Thus I can have fantasies of an epic nature and still make them happen. Nothing is unattainable if one wants is and works hard enough for it. This is my creed for life.
My blog is called, "Art on Toilet Walls. Discuss..." It's an odd name, I admit. But that is why I love it. That is why I chose it.
"Since writing on toilet walls is done neither for critical acclaim nor financial reward, it is the purest form of art--discuss."
This is my toilet wall.
This is art.